As we try to talk to people here on earth, God sits back and smiles at our feeble efforts to communicate. For God has worked out a communication system far superior to any that we ever assembled.We try to use a satellite to mediate our messages from one continent to another, but God long ago found a better mediator that works all the time. Even with our satellites we sometimes find the frequencies full, but God knows his frequency will never be full, and that his call letters, L O V E are known world-wide.
In talking on God”s communication network you never get a busy signal. He will listen whenever we call. His number is never out of order, though it may be our spiritual unit that causes the trouble. God has an unlisted number, but just like his call letters, everybody knows how to get in touch with God, and if they don”t it”s all explained in a book he left for us.
Every call to God is long distance and local at the same time. God is everywhere so we can reach him either way. And we also always talk to God person to person, because he won”t have it any other way.
But the greatest thing about God”s communication system is the cost. Since we could never pay the bill in talking to God, he has arranged for us to call collect.
The price has already been paid.