The following books are among the most recent and best volumes on how to preach inductively. Let me know what you think:
Craddock, Fred B. As One Without Authority (Atlanta: Christian Board of Publication, 2001) 172 pages.
Craddock, Fred B. Overhearing the Gospel,
Revised Edition (St. Louis:
Chalice Press, 2002) 142 pages.
Lewis, Ralph L. and Gregg Lewis. Inductive Preaching: Helping People Listen (Wheaton: Crossway, 1983) 228 pages.
Lowry, Eugene. The Homiletical Plot: The Sermon As Narrative Art Form (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2000) 138 pages.
Wilson, Paul Scott. The Four Pages of the Sermon: A Guide to Biblical Preaching (Nashville: Abingdon, 1999) 276 pages.