Maybe you’ve heard about six word stories. Use a half dozen words that tell a story. Here are a couple from other web sites:
- For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn. (by Ernest Hemingway)
- Wasted day. Wasted life. Dessert please.
- Best friend. One winner. Jealously kills.
- Driving. Cow in road. Hamburgers tonight.
- She loved again. I never did.
- Blind man dreams in full color
- Failed SAT. Lost scholarship. Invented rocket
Not bad.
Recently the class in Joshua to Nehemiah at Oklahoma Christian University took up the task of writing six word stories that summarized the amazing books of 1 & 2 Chronicles. Here is what they wrote:
- From God. Left God. He forgives
- Adam is man, God is needed
- Kingdom roller coaster, awaits final touches
- God’s plan rejected, enslaved, Messiah anticipated
- Adam sinned, the rest is His-story
- Learning to cope. Left with hope.
- Israel follows God, Israel repents, repeat.
- Genealogy. Blessed kings. Taken for granted.
- History of failure to present success.
- Sparksnotes of the Old Testament
- From, with, for, and by God
- The Old Testament, the sequel.
- The Old Testament strikes back.
Not bad.
What six words would you use to summarize Chronicles?
Growing A Nation, God’s Wise Work
Monarchy good? Monarchy bad? God reigns.
Proverbs 12:26 The righteous [is] more excellent than his neighbour: but the way of the wicked seduceth them.